Wednesday 29 June 2011



The greatest quality is seeking to serve others
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go
Sleeping Monk
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind
Sleeping Monk Shrine
The greatest achievement is selflessness

Dan Zvereff - Kickflip Shifty
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions
Laughing Mannequin 
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything
Rama 8 Bridge
The greatest effort is not concerned with results

City Fishing
The greatest patience is humility
Bench Bed
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways
Deformed Woman 
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances

Hostel Steals Your Clothes
The greatest generosity is non-attachment

Boat Brews
The greatest precept is continual awareness

Silver Lakes
The greatest worth is self-mastery 

Thursday 19 May 2011



Bagan Horse and Cart
This was taken on the way to Sunset Temple. A specially chosen temple adopted by tourists for having the best view of the sun setting. We rented bicycles from a very nice local man across the street from our hostel, we managed to navigate our way to the temple with the help of some local children. Eventually we arrived, took off our shoes, climbed the steep ancient steps, found our spot, got comfortable and watched the magic unfold.
Sunset Temple Looking East
You can just see Dan Zvereff poking his head out the side. I had no idea he was there until i got this photo developed. Naturally Dan wanted to find a non-tourist temple to watch the sunet, i don't blame him either because all you could hear were the sounds of camera shutters.
Sunset Temple
The view of the temple from the front. Tripods in place, everyone in position and ready for the show. Its a great place to meet other tourists and photographers, people from all corners of the world.
Temple Crew
From left to right: Casey Rigney, Ali Drummond, Kenny Reed, Patrik Wallner
These kids were watching us skate for about an hour, they had never ever seen anyone skateboard before and most probably never will again. I really wanted to take a photo of them before they got bored and left so it gave me a little more motivation to land the trick. The girl was so photogenic.
End of Roll in Naypyidaw
A local girl from the desolate new capital fashioning traditional Burmese face paint.
Kenny Reed - Frontside Flip
On the campus of our strange hotel/amusement park, moments from our hotel rooms Kenny performs a tweaked fs flip on an unfinished mountain replica. 
Kenny looks on as the campus buggy arrives for our departure from the strangest hotel i will ever go to. Im sure the others will agree that Hotel Ayeyarwady was one of the strangest few days of our lives.
Yangon - Shwedagon Pagoda
The stupa shown here is completely solid, every inch is covered in gold leaf. At the very top of the spire is the diamond orb - a hollow gold sphere studded with 4351 diamonds totalling 1800 carats. On the very tip rests a single, 76-carat diamond.
Decorative Gold Leaf

The great Shwedagon Pagoda can be seen from virtually anywhere in the city, and the citizens of Yangon literally live out their everyday lives in its shadow.
The Entrance
 Random fact: In 1852, during the second war, the British occupied the pagoda for 77 years and pillaged its treasures.
Novice Burmese Monks
These young monks surprisingly obliged when i asked for them to pose in-front of this column. Afterwards it was apparent that they shouldn't really do this, their teacher wasn't impressed.
The Holy Stairs
I was perched at the bottom of these stairs for almost half and hour in hope for a lucky break in the crowd. My patience paid off in the end but initially i wanted the full width of the stairs. When a monk finally came down at the right time there was some people walking up on the left, i had to crop them out and settle for this composition.
Inside all of these temples you would find Buddha's of all sizes and decoration.  Most of them had local Buddhist's praying so i didn't want to disturb them, i found this charming one in a more quieter part of the temple. 
Burmese Street Smiler
This was taken out of a slow moving taxi whilst searching for spots in Yangon. Behind her is a packed bus full with people coming home from work. You would never guess that this was taken during the noisy and polluted hustle and bustle of rush hour.  Her smile was so spontaneous and natural, it's one of my favourites from the trip.
Fresh Roll in an Ancient City
After the trauma of a few previous unsuccessful rolls i loaded up praying that nothing will go wrong this time. Yangon was good to us, a very photogenic city. Spot Zvereff on the back seat.
Ali Drummond
We arrived at the local skatepark in Yangon with lots of products to donate. Having lived there for a while now Ali has made friends with all of the locals. To say the kids were grateful was an understatement, Brian the photographer took a great group photo later on that day. We drew  names out of a hat for the larger items so it was fair.
Denny Pham - Backside Ollie
Denny floats a perfect backside ollie at the only known skatepark in the country.